


Historical Archive and Documentation Centre of Riópar Factories

The Historical File of the Factories of Riópar shows an original set of documents which was guarded in the offices by the "taller de San Carlos". This set constitutes nowadays the documentary collection of the Museum.These documents have grounded from the commercial activity on the manufacturing area for more than 230 years consecutively, under different governments.The documentary set is constituted by accounting books (mayor, diaries, till, balance etc.), and administration documents (articles of association, mail, acts, payslips, company books etc.) inventories, cataloguesphotographies, original building plans and drawings dating back from 1846 to 2002. The inventory is chronologically divided in four series. Each one of them belongs to the different mercantile stages that the Factories have lived, from their constitution as a private company in 1846 (documents previous to this date are not kept) to year 2002. That was the date in which the "Escuela Taller" (Worksop School) stopped being funded and the Museum opening became possible.


The Archive remains closed to the public until we can ensure the necessary conditions of conservation and use. Researchers can perform queries on the archive through the Documentation Centre.

The Centro de Documentación de las Fábricas de San Juan de Alcaraz y Cartagena , a new Documentation Centre about the Industrial Complex, has been created to collect, recover and select, and also to analyze and transmit the data from the Factories (in Riópar and Cartagena), spread out in libraries and archives all over the country. This archive has been properly inventoried according to regulation guidelines.


The archive gives a comfortable access to researchers, as well as to the local community. They can investigate on the historical knowledge and look at the collections kept in the Museum.It is located in the offices of San Carlos, attached to the warehouses of the Historical File of the Factories. 


IMPORTANT: Users must previously arrange a visit with the Museum.